Intervention area


When we implement, we try to translate existing and new knowledge into effective and sustainable initiatives.

Initiatives that show promise in promoting health and well-being should be tested on a large scale in collaboration with relevant partners. This could be partners in municipalities, regions and at the national level or in interest organisations. Therefore, the involvement of - and co-creation with - relevant target groups is key.

For example, this is what prompted us to launch the flagship Ideal Municipalities. These are activities where we work with selected municipalities to create the best possible framework for children and adolescents based on what we know about promoting health and well-being.

It is also within this framework that we support the development of even better Danish data infrastructure, where, for example, there is a lack of comprehensive and up-to-date data on children aged 2-6 years. We want to help this process along so that further research, monitoring and quality development can take place in this area in the future.

The implementation of our initiatives and activities will be evaluated so we can track what works under what circumstances and pass on the best lessons learnt. This applies to both the health and well-being of the children and the implementation methods used.