Code of conduct

Code of conduct

The Centre for Childhood Health aims to demonstrate accountability, respect, transparency and integrity in every aspect of our work.

This Code of Conduct is based on these values and contains six principles that set the direction for the behaviour we want to promote in our organisation and towards our business partners. The principles supplement the national and international legislation in force at any given time.

Our Code of Conduct applies to Centre for Childhood Health, including its employees, members of the management, Advisory Board and any committees and other related persons, all grant recipients and persons and organisations that collaborate with the Centre. We expect all persons associated with the Centre for Childhood Health to uphold and comply with the principles of this Code of Conduct.


1. National and international legislation
Centre for Childhood Health complies with Danish legislation and international conventions. We demonstrate accountability in our operations and grant-making practices, continuously improve the way we act in society, and aim to live up to a high level of ethical standards, children's rights and weight stigma, including standards from the UN Global Compact, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the WHO Considerations for the European Region on Weight Bias and Obesity Stigma.

2. Corruption and bribery.
Centre for Childhood Health wants to maintain a high level of integrity and work ethic in relation to all our activities and decisions and therefore has a zero tolerance for corruption and bribery of any kind. Centre for Childhood Health defines corruption as an abuse of entrusted power for personal gain; and bribery as offering, promising, giving, accepting or soliciting a benefit as an inducement for an act that is illegal, unethical or a breach of trust. As a result, individuals associated with Centre for Childhood Health must never accept, give or promise gifts, hospitality or anything of monetary value at such a level that it could be considered an intent to improperly influence a decision or otherwise cast doubt on our integrity and independence.

3. Fraud, deception and misuse of authorisations.
Centre for Childhood Health does not tolerate fraud, deception or misuse of its funds and grants, whether monetary or non-monetary.

4. Conflicts of interest.
Centre for Childhood Health wants transparency in our decisions. Everyone associated with Centre for Childhood Health is committed to performing their work and making decisions at arm's length. Centre for Childhood Health does not tolerate nepotism, including preferential treatment without regard to the qualifications of friends, family or other close relations in recruitment, procurement, licensing or in any other situation. Centre for Childhood Health provides accurate, necessary and timely information about activities and stakeholders related to our operations.

5. Diversity, discrimination and inclusion.
We do not accept any form of discrimination. People associated with Centre for Childhood Health may not discriminate in any way and must strive to promote diversity and inclusion to the greatest extent possible (e.g. in terms of ethnicity, body size and gender) in the Centre's operations and funding strategies. Centre for Childhood Health strives to ensure inclusive environments and work communities with equal opportunities for learning, employment and development.

6. Physical and mental working environment.
Centre for Childhood Health strives to set the highest standards of safety and security in every aspect of our operations. Centre for Childhood Health's activities must promote a good working environment that promotes and supports employee well-being and development.

Centre for Childhood Health wishes to treat people with dignity and respect. We therefore expect people associated with Centre for Childhood Health to recognise the right to privacy and equality in the workplace. Centre for Childhood Health considers bullying and harassment of any kind and in any respect, including unwanted sexual attention and other inappropriate behaviour, as unacceptable.


If Centre for Childhood Health suspects that persons associated with Centre for Childhood Health do not comply with Centre for Childhood Health's Code of Conduct, we will inform the person concerned of the suspicion of the alleged violation. We want to engage in constructive dialogue with the aim of rectifying the situation. Centre for Childhood Health wishes to influence increased accountability and ethical behaviour rather than exclusion or termination of grant or collaboration.

If a person associated with Centre for Childhood Health becomes aware of or suspects a violation of Centre for Childhood Health's Code of Conduct, they are encouraged to inform Centre for Childhood Health directly or to use the Novo Nordisk Foundation's whistleblower scheme, which Centre for Childhood Health as a grant recipient is covered by. This is a safe and anonymous way to report any offences.

Link to the Novo Nordisk Foundation Whistleblower Programme can be found here.

If a possible violation relates to an institution, e.g. a research institution, educational institution or an authority with well-established internal procedures for handling such allegations, Centre for Childhood Health may refer the case to the relevant body in the given institution or authority for further processing. If there is no such body, Centre for Childhood Health can decide on the further course of action and possible sanctions in the specific case.


Violation or breach of Centre for Childhood Health's Code of Conduct may, as mentioned, lead to possible disciplinary sanctions if dialogue cannot rectify the violation.

Sanctions for grant recipients or external collaborators may include:

  • Centre for Childhood Health sends an alert
  • The centre passes on information about the breach to relevant stakeholders
  • The Centre reduces or terminates a grant or collaboration and reserves the right to exclude the grantee from future grants and/or collaborations
  • If it is a cash grant, the amount can be claimed back.

The sanctions for the Centre's employees may have employment law consequences.

Centre for Childhood Health also reserves the right to conduct an independent audit of any grant recipient or person associated with Centre for Childhood Health if suspicions of a breach of the Code of Conduct arise.