
Meet us at Folkemødet 2024

Meet Centre for Childhood Health at The People's Meeting, “Folkemødet”, in Allinge on the island of Bornholm, where we will participate in debates about the state of children's and young people's health and well-being.

Debates we will participate in:

Thursday 13 June: The Danish School Sports Association and the Danish Union of Teachers on "Children's healthy living and well-being - is it also a mission for schools to undertake?"

The Danish School Sports Association and the Danish Union of Teachers will discuss what responsibility schools have to ensure that children and adolescents have a healthy life with good well-being - and whether it is a gift or a task for schools to focus more on this as part of students' schooling?

Participant from the Centre: Teresa Holmberg
Time: 13. juni kl. 12:45-13:30
Location: Klippescenen

Thursday 13 June: "Houston, we have an obesity problem!"
Never before have so many Danes and other people in most parts of the world been so overweight. The obesity epidemic is global and growing rapidly. Today, more than half of all Danes are overweight and close to one in five are obese. If this trend continues, one in three of us will be obese by 2040. 1.5 million sick days due to long-term sickness absence, 1.4 million GP visits and over 50,000 hospitalisations each year result from obesity. Can we live with it? Should we medicate or prevent ourselves from living a lifestyle that weighs down the body and makes the heart race? So, Houston, we have an obesity problem. Can we break the obesity curve by creating healthy, thriving children and adolescents?

Centre for Childhood Health and the Danish daily Politiken will address the mystery of the obesity epidemic and discuss preventive solutions.

Participant from the Centre: Morten Grønbæk
Pernille Bonne Neisig, Public Affairs Manager, Salling Group,
Caroline Hermansen, President-Elect, Danish School Students,
Rasmus Lund-Nielsen, Chairman of the Health Committee of the Danish Parliament, Moderaterne Mette Thiesen, Health Spokesperson, Danish People's Party
Time: 13 June at 14:00 - 15:00
Location: Politikens big stage, Rosengården


Thursday 13 June: Denmark's Wildest Solutions
Denmark's Wildest Solutions: Wild problems require wild solutions. Solutions that you can meet when three players talk about their big change projects that tackle one of society's wildest problems.

In front of a panel, we will be part of three wild examples that will show how their solution paves the way for lasting social change and discuss with the panel how to create even greater impact - and who knows, perhaps these wild projects can be used to solve other social problems?

Participant from the Centre: Teresa Holmberg
Time: 13 June at 17:00 - 17:55
Sted: Operates telt (F37)