Workshop on Social Inequality in High Weight and Health
There is significant social inequality in health here at home. This also applies to who develops high weight and poor wellbeing. It is an inequality that can already be observed among children and adolescents. But what explains this inequality, and where should we intervene if we are to prevent it?
This and much more was discussed by experts from Denmark and abroad during two days of intensive workshops here at the Center for Healthy Living and Wellbeing.
The invited researchers came from various scientific backgrounds, and as a result, they brought many different ideas on how future research could uncover and explain social inequality.
"There was a great willingness to discuss across the many fields of expertise represented, and many excellent project ideas came out of it," says Morten Grønbæk, director of the Center for Healthy Living and Wellbeing, who hosted the workshop.
"Now, of course, we hope that this will lay the foundation for new collaborations and new approaches to the topic, which can turn into future projects and initiatives," he adds.