
Centre for Childhood Health appoints new board member

Chief Food Inspection Officer to help promote healthier eating habits among Danish children and adolescents

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration has appointed Food Director Tejs Binderup as a new board member of Centre for Childhood Health.

At the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, Tejs Binderup is responsible for promoting healthy eating habits in children and adolescents and for communicating about healthy food and exercise, among other important issues. It fits well with the Centre's other work," says Jonas Egebart, Director of the National Board of Health, who chairs the board of Centre for Childhood Health:

"I am pleased to welcome Tejs Binderup to the board. He brings the skills and the knowledge that complement the rest of the board in the best way possible. Tejs Binderup has a deep insight into food sector agendas and the impact food can have on weight development and well-being," says Jonas Egebart.

Important agenda

The connection between food, health and well-being is also key to Tejs Binderup's motivation to join the health promotion work at Centre for Childhood Health.

Fødevaredirektør Tejs Binderup, Fødevarestyrelsen
Tejs Binderup er fødevaredirektør i Fødevarestyrelsen. I bestyrelsen overtager han pladsen fra tidligere vicedirektør i Fødevarestyrelsen Annelise Fenger, der er gået på pension.

"The health and well-being of Danish children and adolescents is an extremely important agenda, and I look forward to contributing to the Centre's work. I hope we can generate even more knowledge about how food and beverages affect children and adolescents, and how we can create even more awareness among the younger members of our society about what is healthy and unhealthy," says Tejs Binderup.

Centre for Childhood Health will support research projects and test preventive measures and initiatives that can promote health and increase well-being among Danish children and adolescents. The food sector plays an important role.

"Preventing unhealthy weight gain and improving the health and well-being of our children and adolescents to a large extent also comes down to what they typically eat and drink. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is therefore considered an important partner in this effort," says Jonas Egebart.

Tejs Binderup replaces the former board member, Deputy Director of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration Annelise Fenger who recently retired.